August 10th, 2011
Please join me at Pincus Professional Education’s upcoming intermediate level practical appellate skills seminar, State v. Federal Appeals: Winning in Either Venue. This seminar will focus on expanding the participant’s appellate practice knowledge and skills.
Participants hear the court’s perspective, as well as that of respected, experienced appellate attorneys and certified appellate specialists.
The panel will focus on civil appellate practice and our faculty will compare the differences between appeals in state court and in federal court, with specific attention to the 9th Circuit as well as the CA Court of Appeal.
This intermediate level program will teach you sound strategies for effectively prosecuting or defending a civil appeal, including using the standard of review to your advantage, effectively briefing the appeal, appealability, writs v. appeals, stays, supersedeas, statements of decision, improving your oral argument and handling a difficult bench at oral argument.
Speaker: Wendy C. Lascher
Date: September 23, 2011- 9:00AM-5:15PM
Place: Los Angeles Athletic Club
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